This short blog post is being written at the end of the 2018 in hopes that readers will enjoy their last moments of a fruit-full year and send out wishes that the next will bring new projects your way.
Today I want to encourage you to expand your creative spectrum.
Are you an illustrator?
Many who have read my posts are artists. Most likely visual artists who draw or create imagery of any sort be it graphic design or comics. I highly support this as I too am an illustration centered artist. I love to draw and I love my cartoons but I am not limited to those bits of creativity.
Number one identifying trait is that I love to create. To bring forth some sort of beauty, happiness or in opposition, some unease into the world.
As an artist: I encourage study of form and color. A never ending education of the world around us to discover what can move a person from simply eyeing a few bits of scribble to admiring the technique behind the work.
This is my hope. I make it my job is to evoke an emotion or create a journey. Which leads me to the next bit of artistry.
Are you a writer?
Writing is a joy and often a frustration. Under this name, Zellykat, you will only find these blog posts but if you should discover my pen names then you will learn that I have a joy of writing. It's a deep passion that I have not used for professional means.
It is a hobby to which I indulge often, if not daily.
So, as a writer: I encourage you to study the motions and flow of words and the power they have to spur a person into staring for hours at the words on a screen or a page... kinda like how it's working right now as you read my blog.
Are you a Photographer?
For a few years of my life I made my career as a photographer. To this day, I find some joy in the capture of an image. It may be the only way a person can see what I have seen. Granted I no longer use photography as a profession.
I downgraded this skill to a hobby, yet another creative means to enjoy life.
As a photographer: I encourage you to see from another persons eyes and perhaps, share your world with the countless strangers of this earth.
Are you a crafter?
Hobbies can take us anywhere and in knowing this I have tested out many talents that are not of my own. I am not a seamstress. I am not a sculptor nor am I a prop maker. I have tried and used these skills for fun, however.
I have made my own Bellydance costumes, cosplay and even some regular daily wear clothing. It's fun and rewarding in so many ways to be able to hold these items up and say, "YES! I totally made this."
Props are not easy but boy does it feel rewarding to create something new. Same can be said for molding and sculpting. Heck, I even tried latch hook rugs back in their popularity.
As a hobbiest crafter: I encourage you to try a new trick. Something you have always walked past in a craft store and pondered. Just do it. You may fall in love with a new hobby.
Are you a musician or dancer?
Speaking of hobby, my dream of being a musician and dancer faded years ago along with my dream of performing on broadway or in film but it's perfectly alright.
I am happy to indulge in some song and dance at home. Occasionally taking the stage for friends and local community showcases is more than enough to feed that creative spark and fan it into a flame of energy.
I trust that many of you have some sort of appreciation for music.
Melody and rhythm have a deep influence on my creative spirit and can often make or break a design or story. Right at this moment, I have my Spotify open and I'm jamming. I create playlists to inspire each art piece or story. I even have some playlists set up for particular nerdy fandoms of mine..(cough cough Beetlebabes cough)
As a former vocalist and, on occasion, a bellydancer: I encourage you to find the sound that feeds your soul. Let your musicality latch onto a tune and bring forth something new and when you find yourself stuck, switch up genres.
Above all things, dearest readers, remember that creativity isn't limited. You are creative. You are the source of ideas and inspiration.